
i hate darkness

this was the first time i felt uneasy in the darkness...i thought i always love darkness...but at least not last night...my head is cracking over and over again...and this is also what i am feeling now...

there were many mosquitoes attacking me silently...my shirt was wet with sweat...i found hard to fall asleep...

this morning...hui shan asked me "are u very tired?" my answer is absolutely yes...i was tortured by the hot and dry wheather and the violent mosquitoes which sucked and drank my blood for the whole night...

i don't want to be surrounded by the scary darkness anymore....i just want to sleep soundly...darkness...please go away and mosquitoes...please leave me alone...i just want to be alone...alone...and alone...please don't disturb me...i need time to calm down myself...

i am lacking of oxygen...can't breathe...can't do anything...

6 条评论:

karenc 采茶女 说...

你需要 Shieldox。是停电吧?

singing maniac 说...


十二· 说...


缘铃 说...


singing maniac 说...



Hydrangea 说...

not bad, seldom see your write in english... keep it up..