

今天睡饱饱 超级精神

要念书了 真的要念书了





看过报纸的人应该都知道这件事了吧 昨天已经在网上得知这个消息

虽然我是神起迷 不过我不是那么喜欢允浩 我不讨厌韩庚(他能摆脱sm的魔掌是好事 所以我算支持他的 新歌say no 不错!)

说说看我的听后感吧 飞蛾扑火一开始的旋律的确和checkmate有九十巴仙相似(那段旋律在歌曲中间部分有重复) 其他地方就完全不同了




我在想 我以后要想念的人越来越多 也许我需要做一个时间表 什么时候要想念谁 什么时候才要专心做功课

可欣(一个在我喝何人可凉茶会想起的人) 可能要去college念心理学

由于文科班的学习环境太差 待在文科班的思颖和佩文忍无可忍 一个要离开中六这条漫漫长路 去走college捷径(有钱真好!) 一个还在搞转校

至于坐在我旁边的林姐也在等转校 嘉敏很犹豫她是否应该转校

虽然我不想他们离开 可是每当他们说起的时候 我都会叫他们转校看看 自己却原地不懂 很奇怪

因为不喜欢等待 所以决定不转

看到那些转到的同学 有一点点羡慕他们的好运气

如果我申请 我会不会那么幸运地转到? 这个问题 没有人会知道答案



today v hv the first meeting of interact club.this is a very cool club.i m looking forward to their activities.


i m licking my lollipop now n my lips n tongue r colourful.


i miss kah huei,hui shan n kwan so much.


pui mun n yee lam want to apply4transfer one more time.i don't know that i should wish them good luck or what.


someone please teach me maths!


test is around the corner

i think i should do my revision but i m too lazy.



lam lam讲今天气氛很down 娘丽华死命讲很想念婉君 嘉慧明天就要离开了 惠姗放学后立刻赶去教育局那边看结果 有可能明天我会看到她 有可能明天我不会看到她

我们班在koko day当天的吸金能力称冠 决定下个星期五去pizza hut庆祝 我们想叫婉君去 嘉慧自己讲他要去

休息节的时候 我一个人吃完几乎一大包的爆米花 真是大胃

放学的时候 我第一次独自去打油 成功!

明天有interact club meeting 今天要做功课

下个星期就是考试了 我还没有念书!


happy 2010

i m very happy because almost all of my favourite korean female singers release their new song n even full album in this year.

narsha of brown eyed girls had released first solo ep with a unique concept.i m addicted to it so much.it's a quite catchy song named bbi rip bop a.

in september, ga-in of brown eyed girls will become the second member to perform solo stage n also the korean dancing queen,park ga hee of afterschool.

the best korean female singer,boa will release her full album in august.please look forward n support it!

here r the mv of narsha's bbi ri bop a n boa's game.


sth happened

today i hv many feelings through out the whole day!i sold a lot of tickets for the koko day but then i realised that i lost rm2.i was excited in the beginning and became angry with myself after that because i was so careless.

then there was mesyuarat agung for ping pong club.i wish to get a small small post so that i can hv more cocuriculum marks.

"i'm not holding any post in any club."this was what i said in front of everyone after yee lam nominated me.

maybe it was wrong to say like this because i became the chairperson of ping pong club now.

i wonder cn i take up this responsibility or not?

i really don't expect this will happen.i thought that maybe i will just become a small ajk then i will be very satisfied.

i was surprised n then happy but became worried as time went bt.

it's good to have extra cocuriculum marks but i think i m nt capable enough to b a chairperson.

it was a shock in my life!i don't know what will happen in the next meeting.

a sweet dream may turn to a nightmare...i m so blur n uneasy now.

someone tell me what to do!please!

i'm sorry to say that i don't know hw to play ping pong!sakit kepala!

should i just run away or try my best?



i'm sorry to be rude.really really sorry.

i got 33marks out of 50 for my presentation.it's quite ok!

i think i don't deserve the marks because my presentation was bad.

although my mind come across my own opinion, but i definitely won't ask teacher to minus my marks purposely.

i'm not silly enough to do this thing.whatever la...i'm satisfied with the marks.

wanna listen to TVXQ's song "whatever they say"!here i go!



really don't wanna live at here.



也许我比较倒霉 也许我真的是番薯

今天是我第一天自己驾车去上学 一切异常顺利 我没有被别人哔哔 也没有差一点撞到任何车辆

但是我有不祥的预感 结果女人的第六感果然很准 我就出事了

PRESENTATION做到一塌糊涂已是预料之事 没想到来个特别ENDING

如地震般砰一声摔地 弄碎玻璃窗 玻璃碎片刺出手肘上几个流血的小孔 右手手背一大片黑青

右撇子的我写字很不方便 都是娘娘腔一直叫我番薯 结果真的变番薯鸟

没办法 番薯就番薯鸟





刚跟老爸去吃经济饭 发现那里竟然有卖蚝 吃了两只 超爽

我的车要回来了 希望cd player能运作 那样我就可以放神起的歌曲了

明天还要留在学校做之前失败的实验 预祝成功 虽然不太想留在学校 可是我再也不用愁需要和别人报告放学时间了

因为我有自己的车 哈哈

心情不是很好 应该会慢慢好起来。。。


i support germany!

what i don't like about rps is they keep asking money from us.this fee n that fee...nonsense!

for the first time,i know buying shares of koperasi is something compulsory!crazy!u go to eat shit!

i have no more money.i don't understand why there r so many fees for us to pay.SMK should get more money from the government.isn't it true?

looking forward to the battle between germany n spain!burn the midnight oil for world cup!this time my dad don't believe in Paul,the octopus.


goodbye, sze nan!

i was very unlucky yesterday!got scolded by the teacher, needed to become the "rubbish girl",got to know that my grandma went to the hospital on wednesday, someone talking sarcastically to me!

i reALLY wanna scream! but i don't n i know i m tough enough.whenever i wake up from a sleep,the feeling of unhappy n angry will disappear!

some of my friends still struggle about transfer thing."do u transfer to another school?""do u appeal?" seem to be the hot topic among us everyday.congratulation to sze nan!she managed to go in sam tet.i think there will be a long period til v meet each other for the next time.

many people are jealous of sze nan for being the lucky girl.i really wish my friends who appeal to transfer cn fulfil their wishes.good luck to all of u!

since i don't have headache because of this transfer thing,i focus on my presentation next week.i will try my best! fighting!

continue to breath in fresh air n work harder for my future regardless of whatever bullshit things happen in my life.

tribute to the korean actor, Park Yong Ha.