the mechanism for almost all the reactions of haloalkanes and carboxylic acids is nucleophilic substitution. rmb ah!
nucleophilic addition is for carbonyl group!
这年头人忧郁 有自杀倾向就算了 难道连狗也有文明病?
我爸说星期四半夜 他到楼下厕所小便 听到一只狗的低吼 (就是类似ERRRRR。。。很低沉又带点愤怒的那种)
这只狗估计是有在练丹田 很长气 音能拉很长
我爸竟然模仿它 以低吼回敬它 它似乎被吓到 竟然不再做声
今日清晨5点多 睡得真香的我 被连绵不绝又恼人的吼声吵醒 很不耐烦
小女子做数学 绞尽脑汁 累得就快脱水吊点滴 它竟然打扰我的美梦
无可奈何 只好起来尿尿 它不再拉长音 却断断续续发出声音 令我摇头
做了几道数学 以为它会停止它不文明的行为 结果没有
失去耐心之下 我走到楼下的厕所 像老爸那样对它低吼 竟然生效了
老爸初步诊断这只狗不是快病死 就是有忧郁症(他的诊断很没有根据吧)
总之它就是吵到我 令本小姐不爽 搞到我很累 做不到数学 真是伤脑筋
我爸说星期四半夜 他到楼下厕所小便 听到一只狗的低吼 (就是类似ERRRRR。。。很低沉又带点愤怒的那种)
这只狗估计是有在练丹田 很长气 音能拉很长
我爸竟然模仿它 以低吼回敬它 它似乎被吓到 竟然不再做声
今日清晨5点多 睡得真香的我 被连绵不绝又恼人的吼声吵醒 很不耐烦
小女子做数学 绞尽脑汁 累得就快脱水吊点滴 它竟然打扰我的美梦
无可奈何 只好起来尿尿 它不再拉长音 却断断续续发出声音 令我摇头
做了几道数学 以为它会停止它不文明的行为 结果没有
失去耐心之下 我走到楼下的厕所 像老爸那样对它低吼 竟然生效了
老爸初步诊断这只狗不是快病死 就是有忧郁症(他的诊断很没有根据吧)
总之它就是吵到我 令本小姐不爽 搞到我很累 做不到数学 真是伤脑筋
炎热的下午 喂饱肚子才是最重要的事
把车子丢在不阻碍交通的地方 赶快去打包
排在我后面的漂亮妈妈向卖饭的婆婆埋怨她下个星期一就要考试的儿子 还在打机(铁定是SPM考生)
婆婆说有很多人在临考试的时候都选择放松娱乐 平时很努力专心听课
我脸色稍稍改变 婆婆立刻对我说“不是在说你啊。。。你念form几啊?”然后 又对妈妈说“问一下阿girl(指我)平时怎么念书。。。”
我以笑答复 婆婆误会我了 我不觉得他们在说我 更不是生气 只是在想我自己也没有好好念书
学年刚开始的时候 我很勤力 后来就从少许怠惰进化到超级大懒虫的阶段 因为考试成绩很烂
中间那段荒废学业的时间 都在闹情绪 身心很疲惫 我在这个家 一直都这样
内心千疮百孔的我还是死不了 所以活过来了
上帝对于我这个渺小人物很仁慈 没有剥夺奇迹发生在我身上的机会
但时间不回头 还是有很多没有尽力做好的事情
我告诉当下的自己 不许后悔 是我选择的路 没有人强迫我
明天 2011年11月11日 据说是很特别的日子
我会努力 你们也要努力哦!
把车子丢在不阻碍交通的地方 赶快去打包
排在我后面的漂亮妈妈向卖饭的婆婆埋怨她下个星期一就要考试的儿子 还在打机(铁定是SPM考生)
婆婆说有很多人在临考试的时候都选择放松娱乐 平时很努力专心听课
我脸色稍稍改变 婆婆立刻对我说“不是在说你啊。。。你念form几啊?”然后 又对妈妈说“问一下阿girl(指我)平时怎么念书。。。”
我以笑答复 婆婆误会我了 我不觉得他们在说我 更不是生气 只是在想我自己也没有好好念书
学年刚开始的时候 我很勤力 后来就从少许怠惰进化到超级大懒虫的阶段 因为考试成绩很烂
中间那段荒废学业的时间 都在闹情绪 身心很疲惫 我在这个家 一直都这样
内心千疮百孔的我还是死不了 所以活过来了
上帝对于我这个渺小人物很仁慈 没有剥夺奇迹发生在我身上的机会
但时间不回头 还是有很多没有尽力做好的事情
我告诉当下的自己 不许后悔 是我选择的路 没有人强迫我
明天 2011年11月11日 据说是很特别的日子
我会努力 你们也要努力哦!
对不起 我失控了
今年失控的次数很多 得寻求神的帮助
其实就算打扮得再漂亮 也打扮不出自信 因为自信是内在的 漂亮是外在的
其实就算心地再善良 情绪管理不当也是懒人 因为人家只会记得你发脾气的臭脸 不会记得你的好
我承认我不像林志玲 EQ那么高
但我想我需要改变 至少有向他那么一点的智慧和美貌
谢谢小姑给我鼓励 我是真的属于蛮脆弱的人 虽然我也极度讨厌这样的我 但有时候还是藏不住
李宗伟能够打败谌龙 为什么我们不能考4FLAT?
今年失控的次数很多 得寻求神的帮助
其实就算打扮得再漂亮 也打扮不出自信 因为自信是内在的 漂亮是外在的
其实就算心地再善良 情绪管理不当也是懒人 因为人家只会记得你发脾气的臭脸 不会记得你的好
我承认我不像林志玲 EQ那么高
但我想我需要改变 至少有向他那么一点的智慧和美貌
谢谢小姑给我鼓励 我是真的属于蛮脆弱的人 虽然我也极度讨厌这样的我 但有时候还是藏不住
李宗伟能够打败谌龙 为什么我们不能考4FLAT?
be careful!
i realised that ace ahead organic chemistry gt lost of mistakes.
in the chapter of group 14, germanium oxide is amphoteric not acidic!
in the chapter of group 14, germanium oxide is amphoteric not acidic!
question n answer
i kept asking myself...but i don't have an answer.
i admit that i am weak.
life without limit.
what will be my next step?
i admit that i am weak.
life without limit.
what will be my next step?
刚到家门 背着书包要进门口
有个驾着破旧白色车子的大叔 问我要不要修缝纫机
我立刻摇头 看似残酷 但是真的 我也不想浪费大叔的时间啊
我猜想大叔生意很难做吧 现在没几个家庭有在用缝纫机的啦
大家都懒惰 都是去外面外衣服 衣服烂了 也拿去给裁缝师做
有点同情大叔 应该都快到退休年龄了吧 还在为生活奔波
我也很同情我自己 化学可以考得那么烂 哎
城市人的生活啊 奔波。。。 念书。。。
有个驾着破旧白色车子的大叔 问我要不要修缝纫机
我立刻摇头 看似残酷 但是真的 我也不想浪费大叔的时间啊
我猜想大叔生意很难做吧 现在没几个家庭有在用缝纫机的啦
大家都懒惰 都是去外面外衣服 衣服烂了 也拿去给裁缝师做
有点同情大叔 应该都快到退休年龄了吧 还在为生活奔波
我也很同情我自己 化学可以考得那么烂 哎
城市人的生活啊 奔波。。。 念书。。。
面壁思过 撞墙去
错误一 BeCl2 is linear molecule 为什么我会把它写成trigonal planar? 神经病
错误二 NH4+ 应该要有括号和+!!!我忘记了 健忘症
错误三 最简单的empirical formula也会算错 智障啊!
错误四 triiodomethane 竟然变成trichloromethane! 神经有够大条的啊!
错误五 做对的题目竟然统统删掉 欠打欠扁欠揍!
错误六直一百 我就无需费时详述 (因为真的很费时)
错误二 NH4+ 应该要有括号和+!!!我忘记了 健忘症
错误三 最简单的empirical formula也会算错 智障啊!
错误四 triiodomethane 竟然变成trichloromethane! 神经有够大条的啊!
错误五 做对的题目竟然统统删掉 欠打欠扁欠揍!
错误六直一百 我就无需费时详述 (因为真的很费时)
最近真的没什么好报告的 我浑然变成一个减肥狂 谈的事情都跟减不减肥有关 所以很无趣
有些忧愁 因为很烂的成绩
就是如此 无趣和忧愁 我最近的日子
我的朋友 不管是单身还是双身 哈哈 都要幸福哦!加油!
有些忧愁 因为很烂的成绩
就是如此 无趣和忧愁 我最近的日子
我的朋友 不管是单身还是双身 哈哈 都要幸福哦!加油!
我想也许我会死而复活 总不能坐以待毙
我答应你们不要想太多 我承认自己的懦弱和短处
从什么时候我变成容易受伤的女子? 不知不觉中 我成为了今天的我
当我想要的东西得不到的时候 我开始发狂了
即使心里一直告诉自己不可这样 这样是不对的
很快我会离去 不会跟你们吵架 一个人安静地读着喜欢的书 看喜欢的戏 哼喜欢的歌
谢谢 对不起
说出你的不满 还我开朗篇 第一章
我不喜欢自己太情绪化 总是很容易被情感左右 心情不好的时候 念书的效率也降低
我不喜欢自己是运动白痴 慢动作常常令我颜面尽失
我不喜欢自己数学不好 别人做了五道数学题时 我才刚完成一题
我不喜欢自己爱哭 因为哭久了 眼睛很刺痛
我不喜欢自己太懦弱 面对困难 偶尔退缩
我不喜欢自己太懒惰 搞到很多事情无法完成
我不喜欢自己太固执 有时候也不知道为了什么
我不喜欢自己太自卑 这样很逊
我不喜欢自己很烂的集中力 这样会事倍功半
我不喜欢自己近视 戴眼镜太麻烦 隐形眼镜却很贵
还没准备好的我 提醒自己距离预试还有16天 战斗吧!
我不喜欢自己太情绪化 总是很容易被情感左右 心情不好的时候 念书的效率也降低
我不喜欢自己是运动白痴 慢动作常常令我颜面尽失
我不喜欢自己数学不好 别人做了五道数学题时 我才刚完成一题
我不喜欢自己爱哭 因为哭久了 眼睛很刺痛
我不喜欢自己太懦弱 面对困难 偶尔退缩
我不喜欢自己太懒惰 搞到很多事情无法完成
我不喜欢自己太固执 有时候也不知道为了什么
我不喜欢自己太自卑 这样很逊
我不喜欢自己很烂的集中力 这样会事倍功半
我不喜欢自己近视 戴眼镜太麻烦 隐形眼镜却很贵
还没准备好的我 提醒自己距离预试还有16天 战斗吧!
我总是要求我要求不到的 别人对我的要求 我也总是满足不了
上课不专心 吃饭有罪 送电脑给我很负担 一直在家睡觉
自然醒 可以吗?
想唱歌 可以吗?
变漂亮 可以吗?
吃不胖 可以吗?
今日事 今日毕 可以吗?
乐观一点 可以吗?
简单一点 可以吗?
耳边响起黄小琥的歌声 “没那么简单。。。”
花家姐附和道 “真是不简单啊!”
我总是要求我要求不到的 别人对我的要求 我也总是满足不了
上课不专心 吃饭有罪 送电脑给我很负担 一直在家睡觉
自然醒 可以吗?
想唱歌 可以吗?
变漂亮 可以吗?
吃不胖 可以吗?
今日事 今日毕 可以吗?
乐观一点 可以吗?
简单一点 可以吗?
耳边响起黄小琥的歌声 “没那么简单。。。”
花家姐附和道 “真是不简单啊!”
i have recovered. my heart which is full of scars doesn't feel pain anymore.
i can smile because of all of u, my dear friends.
thank you so much, puan teoh. thank you for remembering me such a ordinary girl. i can't forget the warm will remain forever in my heart. thank you.
lord, i would like to say thank you to u too. thank you for reminding me there is still sth wonderful waiting for me in my life. always be grateful, i will be grateful throughout my life.
it's sunny day.
i can smile because of all of u, my dear friends.
thank you so much, puan teoh. thank you for remembering me such a ordinary girl. i can't forget the warm will remain forever in my heart. thank you.
lord, i would like to say thank you to u too. thank you for reminding me there is still sth wonderful waiting for me in my life. always be grateful, i will be grateful throughout my life.
it's sunny day.
一直很健康的我 突然病倒了
一直很坚强的我 也掉下咸咸的泪水
我很努力 想要把自己的不快乐隐藏起来 这样子伪装 也许我会好过一点 别人也会好过一点
一直一直以为缩小生活圈子 也许这个复杂的世界还是能保有少许单纯 少许让我安定且愉快的单纯
但实验结果却和我的假设不着边际 我做了个错误的假设 我是个失败的科学家
你们教我要微笑 微笑才漂亮 微笑才不惹人嫌 微笑也才有人缘
我却是个不能停止微笑的小丑 因为渴望从你们那里得到一点什么 所以微笑
想得到的那一点其实有个名字 叫做奢望
很多时候 觉得自己神经失调 一半的我在微笑 一半的我在痛苦
期盼待我一觉醒来 天空的阴霾已消散
什么也不要留下 就算是彩虹 我也不要
一直很坚强的我 也掉下咸咸的泪水
我很努力 想要把自己的不快乐隐藏起来 这样子伪装 也许我会好过一点 别人也会好过一点
一直一直以为缩小生活圈子 也许这个复杂的世界还是能保有少许单纯 少许让我安定且愉快的单纯
但实验结果却和我的假设不着边际 我做了个错误的假设 我是个失败的科学家
你们教我要微笑 微笑才漂亮 微笑才不惹人嫌 微笑也才有人缘
我却是个不能停止微笑的小丑 因为渴望从你们那里得到一点什么 所以微笑
想得到的那一点其实有个名字 叫做奢望
很多时候 觉得自己神经失调 一半的我在微笑 一半的我在痛苦
期盼待我一觉醒来 天空的阴霾已消散
什么也不要留下 就算是彩虹 我也不要
Hyuna Bubble Pop Tutorial
another nice make up tutorial! it's from head to toe!
another nice make up tutorial! it's from head to toe!
明天去金马伦吹冷风 吹完冷风后就得好好念书 用功念书 一直念书 (提醒我自己如果不想死得很惨 最好这么做)
life without limits 今天所得新的领悟
。。。自言自语啦 没什么好写 祝我假期愉快!
life without limits 今天所得新的领悟
。。。自言自语啦 没什么好写 祝我假期愉快!
we got a plan
to be honest, i really do not work hard these few weeks even though exam is just around the corner.
feel like want to kill this lazy me. maybe this is the time to start my revision schedule and make this the turning point of my life.
if not, i will definitely die in the exam hall.
actually i planned sth secretly so as my mum. we both hv sth we wish to do and that's y v plan it.
ladies really think a lot and plan a lot.
feel like want to kill this lazy me. maybe this is the time to start my revision schedule and make this the turning point of my life.
if not, i will definitely die in the exam hall.
actually i planned sth secretly so as my mum. we both hv sth we wish to do and that's y v plan it.
ladies really think a lot and plan a lot.
gcb kills me
通常我经痛的同时 月经的流量也非常大
吃了GCB后的隔天 我的大姨妈就来了 而且还带着越来越猛烈的痛楚
我有理由怀疑是我从汉堡鸡肉块摄取过多荷尔蒙 导致我荷尔蒙暂时失调所引起
吃了GCB后的隔天 我的大姨妈就来了 而且还带着越来越猛烈的痛楚
我有理由怀疑是我从汉堡鸡肉块摄取过多荷尔蒙 导致我荷尔蒙暂时失调所引起
吃完汉堡后 突然发现我的灰色衣服好像沾到透明的液体 用手一摸 沾到污渍的地方
原本以为是沾到辣椒酱或者是白色的特制酱料 可是没有任何其他的颜色 只是我的衣服的灰色加深了
回家换下衣服一闻 是食用油的气味 回想起来 我在端餐盘的时候 衣服好像是不经意划过薯条那里
如果真的是薯条的油渍 那也太恐怖了 沾到油渍的布硬化了 可想而知里面是有多不健康的成分?以后我都不要再冲动了 不吃快餐了
也许很多年以后 我们不再见面 不再联络 还是祝福我认识的每个你 要快乐!
以貌取人 是隐藏在大家内心的待人处事的基础条件
要做美女 首先要护肤 防晒和保湿对我来说最重要 推荐产品 nano white 和 garnier aqua defense
还要多喝水 少吃煎炸辛辣食品
原本以为是沾到辣椒酱或者是白色的特制酱料 可是没有任何其他的颜色 只是我的衣服的灰色加深了
回家换下衣服一闻 是食用油的气味 回想起来 我在端餐盘的时候 衣服好像是不经意划过薯条那里
如果真的是薯条的油渍 那也太恐怖了 沾到油渍的布硬化了 可想而知里面是有多不健康的成分?以后我都不要再冲动了 不吃快餐了
也许很多年以后 我们不再见面 不再联络 还是祝福我认识的每个你 要快乐!
以貌取人 是隐藏在大家内心的待人处事的基础条件
要做美女 首先要护肤 防晒和保湿对我来说最重要 推荐产品 nano white 和 garnier aqua defense
还要多喝水 少吃煎炸辛辣食品
feel kinda moody today...perhaps my period is coming.
u know...sometimes...girls are complicated and unpredictable.
if i want to remain silent, pls don't talk to me.
what i need is just some time.
i like to hide my real face under thick make up. feel good about it. i did a blue smoky eyes today.
u know...sometimes...girls are complicated and unpredictable.
if i want to remain silent, pls don't talk to me.
what i need is just some time.
i like to hide my real face under thick make up. feel good about it. i did a blue smoky eyes today.
haunted again!
last year, my class did haunted cinema for koko day. i still remember that that time, yee lam and kwan had not transfer to st yet.
we did it well and managed to earn RM400 a day just by playing the horror film and acting like ghost in the dark room. i was crawling in the room like a real ghost. and i rmb hw tired i was that day. however, i feel satisfied with the result.
this year, we thought we should do sth simple coz v r going to leave the school soon and v are too busy n lazy to be ghost instead of human.
anyway, the final conclusion comes out to be "haunted cafe" which is sth ghostly again in this year. i hope that our effort will pay off and many customers will come to our cafe.
i kindly invite my dear friends from other schools and colleges to join us at 30th of July.
i hv create special menu and to maintain a mysterious atmosphere, i wanna keep it a secret first.
feel excited about it coz i know it's going to be fun!
we did it well and managed to earn RM400 a day just by playing the horror film and acting like ghost in the dark room. i was crawling in the room like a real ghost. and i rmb hw tired i was that day. however, i feel satisfied with the result.
this year, we thought we should do sth simple coz v r going to leave the school soon and v are too busy n lazy to be ghost instead of human.
anyway, the final conclusion comes out to be "haunted cafe" which is sth ghostly again in this year. i hope that our effort will pay off and many customers will come to our cafe.
i kindly invite my dear friends from other schools and colleges to join us at 30th of July.
i hv create special menu and to maintain a mysterious atmosphere, i wanna keep it a secret first.
feel excited about it coz i know it's going to be fun!
曲名:a place i left for you
MP3 download link is as below:
this is a very soothing ballad song. i love micky's voice in this song! so soft! best to listen before bedtime!
MP3 download link is as below:
this is a very soothing ballad song. i love micky's voice in this song! so soft! best to listen before bedtime!
我没想到我爸会把我妈拉来一起捧场 其实我有想过不要让他们受罪
不过最后我还是残忍地决定让他们体验校园生活 亲自验证校长的啰嗦
我在大家面前发誓要考全科A 定目标发誓都很容易 只需要用口 实践又是另外一回事
我真的很害怕 甚至出现轻微逃避的症状
这个星期也没有很用功 我不确定我能做到 但我当然不会坐以待毙
我知道爸爸妈妈对我期望不低 身为长女 多多少少也要负更大的责任 报答父母养育之恩的第一步就是把学业搞好 不是吗?
话说 关关难关关过!这句话正好能派上用场自勉一番
决定一个的成功与否不是环境 而是心境
我的决心会让我自律 自律会推动我去努力 努力就会有成果
人际关系这一门 真的有够复杂 没想到江真的承受那么多痛苦和委屈
一种米养百种人 衰人也是其中一种
世界是残酷的 地球是很危险的 我看我还是会火星好了
老师说世界和平很难达到 我想也是 要不然选美小姐不会个个都说他们的愿望是世界和平 哈哈
不过最后我还是残忍地决定让他们体验校园生活 亲自验证校长的啰嗦
我在大家面前发誓要考全科A 定目标发誓都很容易 只需要用口 实践又是另外一回事
我真的很害怕 甚至出现轻微逃避的症状
这个星期也没有很用功 我不确定我能做到 但我当然不会坐以待毙
我知道爸爸妈妈对我期望不低 身为长女 多多少少也要负更大的责任 报答父母养育之恩的第一步就是把学业搞好 不是吗?
话说 关关难关关过!这句话正好能派上用场自勉一番
决定一个的成功与否不是环境 而是心境
我的决心会让我自律 自律会推动我去努力 努力就会有成果
人际关系这一门 真的有够复杂 没想到江真的承受那么多痛苦和委屈
一种米养百种人 衰人也是其中一种
世界是残酷的 地球是很危险的 我看我还是会火星好了
老师说世界和平很难达到 我想也是 要不然选美小姐不会个个都说他们的愿望是世界和平 哈哈
sorry and thank you
i wish my dad a happy father's day this morning and he ask me where is his gift?
i didn't buy one coz i thought he will be happy if i save some money for him. actualli i also don't hv much. i spent a lot the past few months for cosmetics and books.
the books are really expensive and "clone" them to cut down cost.
i promise i won't waste any money anymore starting from this month til the end of the year. i plan to go working after STPM. i need my dad's greenlight. i hope that my plan will be put into action without any friction.
let's pray that i cn do well in STPM in the first place.
i didn't buy one coz i thought he will be happy if i save some money for him. actualli i also don't hv much. i spent a lot the past few months for cosmetics and books.
the books are really expensive and "clone" them to cut down cost.
i promise i won't waste any money anymore starting from this month til the end of the year. i plan to go working after STPM. i need my dad's greenlight. i hope that my plan will be put into action without any friction.
let's pray that i cn do well in STPM in the first place.
i got 216 marks for my muet test which is a band 4. my target is band 5.
4 marks make a big difference. 220 marks are the minimum marks for band 5. i have decided to retake. wish me good luck coz the test will be held 2 days before STPM if i'm nt mistaken.
it's time to brush up my english AGAIN!
it's ok.spending RM60 one more time is ok for me coz i'm nt the one who earn them. feel sorry for my dad (2mr is father's day!) but i hv done my best...really!
i m struggling to improve my chemistry and maths currently. these 2 subjects make me dizzy. what to do? i do feel pressured when i think about what should i do if i mess up STPM. so to avoid this tragedy from happening, i keep reminding myself to work harder.
i remember what puan tan said we need 3D in order to get good result. determination! discipline! diligence! let's work out! i don't have ample time. v r having a marathon competition with the time. beat it! (MJ's music is playing in my brain...)
my bro n sis keep asking me why i don't hv a bf? what should i reply them? i gt no market...kaka. perhaps i don't need one.
my mum was sick the last few days. she went to c a dc and found out that she gt hypertension which is most probably a genetic disease. coz my grandma n her sis(or my aunt) also hv hypertension.
4 marks make a big difference. 220 marks are the minimum marks for band 5. i have decided to retake. wish me good luck coz the test will be held 2 days before STPM if i'm nt mistaken.
it's time to brush up my english AGAIN!
it's ok.spending RM60 one more time is ok for me coz i'm nt the one who earn them. feel sorry for my dad (2mr is father's day!) but i hv done my best...really!
i m struggling to improve my chemistry and maths currently. these 2 subjects make me dizzy. what to do? i do feel pressured when i think about what should i do if i mess up STPM. so to avoid this tragedy from happening, i keep reminding myself to work harder.
i remember what puan tan said we need 3D in order to get good result. determination! discipline! diligence! let's work out! i don't have ample time. v r having a marathon competition with the time. beat it! (MJ's music is playing in my brain...)
my bro n sis keep asking me why i don't hv a bf? what should i reply them? i gt no market...kaka. perhaps i don't need one.
my mum was sick the last few days. she went to c a dc and found out that she gt hypertension which is most probably a genetic disease. coz my grandma n her sis(or my aunt) also hv hypertension.
我自己唱的西风的话 送给我的朋友 尤其是即将生日的洧姗
最近蛮喜欢听这首歌 如果觉得我唱得很烂 请搜索 super junior m -西风的话
我自己唱的西风的话 送给我的朋友 尤其是即将生日的洧姗
最近蛮喜欢听这首歌 如果觉得我唱得很烂 请搜索 super junior m -西风的话
什么时候 我才可以守信用 什么事守信用? 就是说到做到
我很善忘 所以难免不守信用
做个结论 就是我不负责任
以前是这样 现在也还是有这个老毛病
有时候 觉得自己很衰 很幼稚 好像一直长不大 一直学不会负责任
天气炎热 更让我心烦意乱
还不念书 是要靠放屁拿4flat吗?
我很善忘 所以难免不守信用
做个结论 就是我不负责任
以前是这样 现在也还是有这个老毛病
有时候 觉得自己很衰 很幼稚 好像一直长不大 一直学不会负责任
天气炎热 更让我心烦意乱
还不念书 是要靠放屁拿4flat吗?
踢踏舞tap dance
一直都觉得踢踏舞很酷 Afterschool 跳起来更炫了
我绝对没说谎 请看她们练踢踏舞的短片和MV 超赞!
Let's step up!
我绝对没说谎 请看她们练踢踏舞的短片和MV 超赞!
Let's step up!
Juicy Orange Spring Makeup Tutorial
it's from a channel in youtube named from head to toes. she is gorgeous and i love her makeup tutorial.
my mum is craving for a orange lipstick recently. that's why i asked her to watch this last night.
hope u enjoy it too.
it's from a channel in youtube named from head to toes. she is gorgeous and i love her makeup tutorial.
my mum is craving for a orange lipstick recently. that's why i asked her to watch this last night.
hope u enjoy it too.
上次那位很久没来上学的朋友真的决定停学了 不来了
我另外一个朋友最近遇到他 发现他脸色苍白
他决定去教育局申请重修中六 从lower six重新来过
坦白一点说 我觉得他是输不起
既然选择了走中六这条路 不管如何都应该咬紧牙关撑下去 重考的人也不是没有
如果真的考很烂 最坏的打算也不过是念多一年UPPER SIX 然后重考
他不算素质很差的学生 我不相信没有大学会不收他
他坚持要等他完全准备充足才考试 我想他是害怕面对失败和挫折 怕自己看很烂的成绩时会崩溃
勇敢踏出第一步 坚持到底 你会发现从前的噩梦其实也不算什么
以前我考SPM也是很担心 但我终究鼓起勇气做我应该做的事
只要我有所怠慢和退缩 我就会踌躇不前
别人在跑的时候 你还在爬
这个世界是弱肉强食 唯有让自己变得更加坚强才是生存之道
记得毅力很重要! 与大家共勉之
我另外一个朋友最近遇到他 发现他脸色苍白
他决定去教育局申请重修中六 从lower six重新来过
坦白一点说 我觉得他是输不起
既然选择了走中六这条路 不管如何都应该咬紧牙关撑下去 重考的人也不是没有
如果真的考很烂 最坏的打算也不过是念多一年UPPER SIX 然后重考
他不算素质很差的学生 我不相信没有大学会不收他
他坚持要等他完全准备充足才考试 我想他是害怕面对失败和挫折 怕自己看很烂的成绩时会崩溃
勇敢踏出第一步 坚持到底 你会发现从前的噩梦其实也不算什么
以前我考SPM也是很担心 但我终究鼓起勇气做我应该做的事
只要我有所怠慢和退缩 我就会踌躇不前
别人在跑的时候 你还在爬
这个世界是弱肉强食 唯有让自己变得更加坚强才是生存之道
记得毅力很重要! 与大家共勉之
my result
Pengajian Am-80(全班最高分 还有另外一个同学和我同分)
Maths T-75
我很想考好生物 因为不小心忽略了作答技巧 少了几分 要不然生物就能拿A了
下次一定要更加小心! 素描山 加油!
我以为我的化学会FAIL 怎么知道竟然过关
虽然56是一个很低的分数 但是全班最高分竟然是57
我只差一分 哈哈
素描山 加油!
Maths T-75
我很想考好生物 因为不小心忽略了作答技巧 少了几分 要不然生物就能拿A了
下次一定要更加小心! 素描山 加油!
我以为我的化学会FAIL 怎么知道竟然过关
虽然56是一个很低的分数 但是全班最高分竟然是57
我只差一分 哈哈
素描山 加油!
我那位上次无故缺席考试的朋友又没来上课了 好像一个星期没来了
她的好朋友烧鸡 今天带了一本书 原本是要借给他的 他没来 我对那本书感兴趣 所以就借来读了
对你来说, “昨天”,“今天” 和“明天” 三者之中,哪一个会是你第一个想抛开的?
她的好朋友烧鸡 今天带了一本书 原本是要借给他的 他没来 我对那本书感兴趣 所以就借来读了
对你来说, “昨天”,“今天” 和“明天” 三者之中,哪一个会是你第一个想抛开的?
那位朋友还是没来 他是真的不来了 还是在考虑中呢?
现在很迷茫很烦 这个星期考完试后 要放松
下个星期二是假期 想要穿美美 出去走走
今天是五月十一日 时间不多 但还有时间 念书永远不嫌迟
我还是有机会 不要怕 要坚持到底!
现在很迷茫很烦 这个星期考完试后 要放松
下个星期二是假期 想要穿美美 出去走走
今天是五月十一日 时间不多 但还有时间 念书永远不嫌迟
我还是有机会 不要怕 要坚持到底!
我有一个和我同校的中六朋友 之前为了要念中六还是私人学院 很少脑筋 迟迟没有做出决定
中学的时候 我们同班五年 虽然称不上情同姐妹 身为朋友 我还是和他谈过 给他意见 希望他能够找到出口
后来好不容易选择留在中六 却又为应不应该转校而烦恼 说真的 我觉得他很奇怪 我不明白他哪来那么多的顾虑 做决定嘛 有时候就是要冒险
深思熟虑 不代表拖泥带水
一直无法做决定 会让一个人陷入左右为难的困境 还不如干脆一点 放手一搏 然后为你的选择承担责任
我明白别人不是我 我没有办法要求别人和我一样
别人和我不一样 也是人之常情
之前 我看他很努力念书 成绩不错 心情不错
没想到原来他昨天没来考试 今天也没来
听说很多人打电话给他 他都没接 只和死党说要不他要重新从Lower 6开始读 要不就放弃中六
我帮不上忙 但衷心 希望他没事
也许我们没有办法世界第一 但我们能散播快乐 不只是自己快乐 让别人快乐也是一种快乐 开心就好
朋友们 不管有什么事 都可以跟我谈
我的嘴巴没有洞 不会漏风声
中学的时候 我们同班五年 虽然称不上情同姐妹 身为朋友 我还是和他谈过 给他意见 希望他能够找到出口
后来好不容易选择留在中六 却又为应不应该转校而烦恼 说真的 我觉得他很奇怪 我不明白他哪来那么多的顾虑 做决定嘛 有时候就是要冒险
深思熟虑 不代表拖泥带水
一直无法做决定 会让一个人陷入左右为难的困境 还不如干脆一点 放手一搏 然后为你的选择承担责任
我明白别人不是我 我没有办法要求别人和我一样
别人和我不一样 也是人之常情
之前 我看他很努力念书 成绩不错 心情不错
没想到原来他昨天没来考试 今天也没来
听说很多人打电话给他 他都没接 只和死党说要不他要重新从Lower 6开始读 要不就放弃中六
我帮不上忙 但衷心 希望他没事
也许我们没有办法世界第一 但我们能散播快乐 不只是自己快乐 让别人快乐也是一种快乐 开心就好
朋友们 不管有什么事 都可以跟我谈
我的嘴巴没有洞 不会漏风声
still gt paper 1
i am not surprised with my performance today...anyway i have tried my best to do revision as i hv limited time.
next week : paper 1! study hard today, 2mr and the day after 2mr. if i do better in paper 1, then my total marks won't b so low even that my paper 2 is rubbish.
take a break!
if u think k-pop songs are very noisy, here is an exception. i love this brand new song " shampoo" by Afterschool. introduce to u all...
next week : paper 1! study hard today, 2mr and the day after 2mr. if i do better in paper 1, then my total marks won't b so low even that my paper 2 is rubbish.
take a break!
if u think k-pop songs are very noisy, here is an exception. i love this brand new song " shampoo" by Afterschool. introduce to u all...
化学 化掉了
化学考很烂 有念书和没念书有差别吗? 果然化学还是得多做练习
totally decompose...
没关系 还有几个月 还有足够时间 假期一定要好好恶补 给他拼了!
totally decompose...
没关系 还有几个月 还有足够时间 假期一定要好好恶补 给他拼了!
red and white
i want to paint my finger nails to shiny red suddenly...i think i never try before!
plan to buy a white nail varnish...then i wear it for my aunt's wedding ceremony to match my white elegant dress...kaka...
i hate exam. actually majority of us don't like it, right?
i want to go somewhere peaceful with stunning nature scenery to charge myself to full battery then i work harder for stpm...
but i don't think i hv this chance currently...nvm la
take a break 2mr. go shopping!
plan to buy a white nail varnish...then i wear it for my aunt's wedding ceremony to match my white elegant dress...kaka...
i hate exam. actually majority of us don't like it, right?
i want to go somewhere peaceful with stunning nature scenery to charge myself to full battery then i work harder for stpm...
but i don't think i hv this chance currently...nvm la
take a break 2mr. go shopping!
补习的时候一直被臭屁多次袭击 折磨得我不成人形
就是那种便秘了一个星期 屁放出来后 五分钟都难以消散的恐怖程度 而且非常SATURATED
而且的而且 不是一次 是好多次
仁兄 请多吃香蕉木瓜 如果不喜欢 你可以选择吃苍蝇屎
下个星期不要再放炸弹 我会死得很惨
就是那种便秘了一个星期 屁放出来后 五分钟都难以消散的恐怖程度 而且非常SATURATED
而且的而且 不是一次 是好多次
仁兄 请多吃香蕉木瓜 如果不喜欢 你可以选择吃苍蝇屎
下个星期不要再放炸弹 我会死得很惨
最近常去一个杂饭档吃午餐 第一次去 卖饭的婆婆介绍我吃橙汁鸡
其实我没有特别喜欢吃 反正他介绍了 我就吃了
第二次去 吃了蜜糖鸡 今天去 又吃蜜糖鸡 婆婆大概以为我很喜欢吃鸡
每次我去他都问我要不要吃鸡 可是每次我都没来得及回答 她已经迫不及待地把鸡肉放在我的盘子里
下次反应要灵敏 时常吃鸡 很容易肥
其实我没有特别喜欢吃 反正他介绍了 我就吃了
第二次去 吃了蜜糖鸡 今天去 又吃蜜糖鸡 婆婆大概以为我很喜欢吃鸡
每次我去他都问我要不要吃鸡 可是每次我都没来得及回答 她已经迫不及待地把鸡肉放在我的盘子里
下次反应要灵敏 时常吃鸡 很容易肥
i am not satisfied with my performance today. friendship? i don't expect this would come out and i am not really good in writing such topic. i also got into a blur condition after i did my reading. i don't think i was able to show the examiner the usual standard that i possess. so sad... i only confident with my reading part. i use several highlighters of different colours to highlight the important points. my paper is so colourful. kaka... hope that miracle will happen. i really put much effort in muet. my wish is to strike band 5!
19th birthday

i turn 19 officially today and i thank u all of my pretty friends for attending the gathering. i just got crazy when all of us gathered around.
we share a lot of happiness together. i really hope that our friendship will be everlasting...perhaps it sounds kinda impossible...
there are many things that i am not able to express using my limited language. let's fight together for our future and taste the sweet and bitter of lives together.
久违了 中文
其实我应该写英文 但是我想写中文 what i am supposed to do always in contrast with what i am interested to do. 下个星期就要考MUET了! 素描山 加油! 下个星期日是我的生日 素描山 生日快乐! 很讨厌自己 计划好的东西都没有全部完成 IT'S EASY TO PLAN STH BUT IT'S HARD TO CARRY OUT THE PLAN. 说易行难 开心和充实需要一个平衡点 充实地生活 努力念书 尽力参与课外活动 很重要 我的未来很重要 我却需要慵懒填满我情绪的瓶子 这个瓶子才能加工去 成品是开心 长大才发觉 为什么女生都爱有钱人 因为靠人养 自己翘二郎腿是那么多件事里最容易的 我每次都说我有很多东西写 是真的 我却没有时间慢慢消化我的情绪 没有时间记录我的生活 长大才发现 人际关系很重要 也是很难一下子就解决的事情 因为一个人努力是不够的 有时候 我思考 因为大家都说快乐和健康很重要 我却觉得很多人都不快乐 也不健康 原因大多是很忙 没时间 有点迷茫 不知道要怎样帮助别人 也许我自己也有轻微的压力 还是先解决我自己吧 我很确定 我目前全部的生活是考试 虽然很讨厌考试 我知道我没有其他选择 不管小孩 还是大人 都会面对很多问题 什么是人生? 制造问题 然后解决问题 当然当中还参杂情绪 喜怒哀乐只有自己明了 像我今天就很懒 跑去睡午觉 后来被我阿母骂人的声音吵醒 还有我妹哭到稀里哗啦的声音 我妹星期五放学后留校补习 傍晚还有去附近一个老师家补习 她每次回来就睡到不省人事 然后傍晚的时候 我妈叫他去补习 她就会发脾气 有时候 我妈在他还没睡之前有跟他说如果太累 可以不要去补习 她却说他要去 可是很多次都重复发脾气的戏码 然后还要我妈打电话骗老师说他生病 我妈不喜欢我妹要他讲骗话 长久下来 我妈失去耐心 所以今天就爆炸了 我很佩服我妹 傍晚他被我妈骂后 就继续进入梦乡 现在还没醒 也还没吃晚餐 现代的孩子有电脑玩 很好命 现代的孩子有补不完的习 很苦命
i left my handphone
i accidentally left my hp in my grandma's houz...for those who wants to contact me, pls don't call till i get back my hp. thx!
formula of success
many things happened in this week. i really want to write evrything in my blog but unfortunately i don't have enough time. most of the things are unhappy...anyway i managed to handle them well and with a positive attitude.
i learned a lot of things from different teachers. i feel that i am so lucky to meet all these resposible teachers. one of the teacher gave me the formula of success. success = Diligence + Discipline + Determination (3D)
Mr. Param warned us that UPSR, PMR and SPM are nothing and STPM is really something diffiult. he said he doesn't want to see us cry when we get our result because the situation is irreversible. we have nothing can do at that moment. the only way to do well in the exam is by putting more effort.
my ibu angkat, lovely Puan Santhi advised us to be self-motivated. she said that it's not too late for us to work hard from now and if we put in our effort, everything that u desire to get will be urs.
i know i don't have another shortcut to go but only be hardworking and fight for my future.
i challenge myself because never try never know.
i promise myself that i not only will try my best but do my best. push it to the limit!
i really really really gonna rescue myself starting from this moment. work hard and everything is mine!
i cut my hair today...feeling myself is younger and cuter with my short bang!
a tragedy happened! our insect collection was stolen by somebody. they are so evil! they destroyed other people's work and lee hua had put in so much effort in it.
anyway i wish i will have a better tomorrow. i know i will have it under God's blessing.
cheer up and pull my socks up!!!
i learned a lot of things from different teachers. i feel that i am so lucky to meet all these resposible teachers. one of the teacher gave me the formula of success. success = Diligence + Discipline + Determination (3D)
Mr. Param warned us that UPSR, PMR and SPM are nothing and STPM is really something diffiult. he said he doesn't want to see us cry when we get our result because the situation is irreversible. we have nothing can do at that moment. the only way to do well in the exam is by putting more effort.
my ibu angkat, lovely Puan Santhi advised us to be self-motivated. she said that it's not too late for us to work hard from now and if we put in our effort, everything that u desire to get will be urs.
i know i don't have another shortcut to go but only be hardworking and fight for my future.
i challenge myself because never try never know.
i promise myself that i not only will try my best but do my best. push it to the limit!
i really really really gonna rescue myself starting from this moment. work hard and everything is mine!
i cut my hair today...feeling myself is younger and cuter with my short bang!
a tragedy happened! our insect collection was stolen by somebody. they are so evil! they destroyed other people's work and lee hua had put in so much effort in it.
anyway i wish i will have a better tomorrow. i know i will have it under God's blessing.
cheer up and pull my socks up!!!
brown eyed girls
Brown Eyed Girls is the best korean girl group in my opinion. 3 of them are good in singing and their have different uniqueness. Jea has powerful voice, Narsha has sweet voice and Ga-in has husky voice. Miryo is the best rapper.
they have many good songs before but they only got popularity when they changed to a sexy image wearing exposed clothes. it is a sad story. i hope that people will judge a
Abracadabra is the song with sexy concept.
Brown Eyed Girls 'Abracadabra'
[MV/HQ eng sub] Brown Eyed Girls (브라운아이드걸스) - Sign (싸인)
Candy Man
i prefer their old songs and their cover of other singers' songs more. please check them out below.
Seeya and Brown Eyed Girls- The day MV
[Cover] Brown Eyed Girls - Umbrella by Rihanna (Acoustic)
Brown Eyed Girls - Da Ga Wa Suh
Brown Eyed Girls singing Everything by M2M ( this is a must watch!)
Brown Eyed Girls - Half of you (Brownstone)
Brown Eyed Girls - singing Destiny's Childs Emotions
Narsha did her solo debut followed by Ga-in.
Full HD MV/] Brown Eyed Girls Narsha (나르샤) - BBI-RI-BOP-A (삐리빠빠)
[ENG] Brown Eyed Girls Narsha (나르샤) - 「#3 I'm in love」
가인 (Ga-In)- Irreversible (돌이킬 수 없는) MV [FULL]
GAIN new single_Bad Temper
[LIVE]GaIn & Jokwon - We Fell In Love 中字
they have many good songs before but they only got popularity when they changed to a sexy image wearing exposed clothes. it is a sad story. i hope that people will judge a
Abracadabra is the song with sexy concept.
Brown Eyed Girls 'Abracadabra'
[MV/HQ eng sub] Brown Eyed Girls (브라운아이드걸스) - Sign (싸인)
Candy Man
i prefer their old songs and their cover of other singers' songs more. please check them out below.
Seeya and Brown Eyed Girls- The day MV
[Cover] Brown Eyed Girls - Umbrella by Rihanna (Acoustic)
Brown Eyed Girls - Da Ga Wa Suh
Brown Eyed Girls singing Everything by M2M ( this is a must watch!)
Brown Eyed Girls - Half of you (Brownstone)
Brown Eyed Girls - singing Destiny's Childs Emotions
Narsha did her solo debut followed by Ga-in.
Full HD MV/] Brown Eyed Girls Narsha (나르샤) - BBI-RI-BOP-A (삐리빠빠)
[ENG] Brown Eyed Girls Narsha (나르샤) - 「#3 I'm in love」
가인 (Ga-In)- Irreversible (돌이킬 수 없는) MV [FULL]
GAIN new single_Bad Temper
[LIVE]GaIn & Jokwon - We Fell In Love 中字
growing up

i wonder did i post all these photos before. i think i probably have posted these before anyway i want to repost it. it is my memory of life. i used to be that skin was fairer when i was baby but i think everybody should be the same.

i swam in pillow sea!

i hid my body and showed my small face with twinkling eyes...

haha... i was sexy...please don't misuse my naked photo...

u can see my monolids...they are still the same right now!
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