last year, my class did haunted cinema for koko day. i still remember that that time, yee lam and kwan had not transfer to st yet.
we did it well and managed to earn RM400 a day just by playing the horror film and acting like ghost in the dark room. i was crawling in the room like a real ghost. and i rmb hw tired i was that day. however, i feel satisfied with the result.
this year, we thought we should do sth simple coz v r going to leave the school soon and v are too busy n lazy to be ghost instead of human.
anyway, the final conclusion comes out to be "haunted cafe" which is sth ghostly again in this year. i hope that our effort will pay off and many customers will come to our cafe.
i kindly invite my dear friends from other schools and colleges to join us at 30th of July.
i hv create special menu and to maintain a mysterious atmosphere, i wanna keep it a secret first.
feel excited about it coz i know it's going to be fun!
曲名:a place i left for you
MP3 download link is as below:
this is a very soothing ballad song. i love micky's voice in this song! so soft! best to listen before bedtime!
MP3 download link is as below:
this is a very soothing ballad song. i love micky's voice in this song! so soft! best to listen before bedtime!
我没想到我爸会把我妈拉来一起捧场 其实我有想过不要让他们受罪
不过最后我还是残忍地决定让他们体验校园生活 亲自验证校长的啰嗦
我在大家面前发誓要考全科A 定目标发誓都很容易 只需要用口 实践又是另外一回事
我真的很害怕 甚至出现轻微逃避的症状
这个星期也没有很用功 我不确定我能做到 但我当然不会坐以待毙
我知道爸爸妈妈对我期望不低 身为长女 多多少少也要负更大的责任 报答父母养育之恩的第一步就是把学业搞好 不是吗?
话说 关关难关关过!这句话正好能派上用场自勉一番
决定一个的成功与否不是环境 而是心境
我的决心会让我自律 自律会推动我去努力 努力就会有成果
人际关系这一门 真的有够复杂 没想到江真的承受那么多痛苦和委屈
一种米养百种人 衰人也是其中一种
世界是残酷的 地球是很危险的 我看我还是会火星好了
老师说世界和平很难达到 我想也是 要不然选美小姐不会个个都说他们的愿望是世界和平 哈哈
不过最后我还是残忍地决定让他们体验校园生活 亲自验证校长的啰嗦
我在大家面前发誓要考全科A 定目标发誓都很容易 只需要用口 实践又是另外一回事
我真的很害怕 甚至出现轻微逃避的症状
这个星期也没有很用功 我不确定我能做到 但我当然不会坐以待毙
我知道爸爸妈妈对我期望不低 身为长女 多多少少也要负更大的责任 报答父母养育之恩的第一步就是把学业搞好 不是吗?
话说 关关难关关过!这句话正好能派上用场自勉一番
决定一个的成功与否不是环境 而是心境
我的决心会让我自律 自律会推动我去努力 努力就会有成果
人际关系这一门 真的有够复杂 没想到江真的承受那么多痛苦和委屈
一种米养百种人 衰人也是其中一种
世界是残酷的 地球是很危险的 我看我还是会火星好了
老师说世界和平很难达到 我想也是 要不然选美小姐不会个个都说他们的愿望是世界和平 哈哈
sorry and thank you
i wish my dad a happy father's day this morning and he ask me where is his gift?
i didn't buy one coz i thought he will be happy if i save some money for him. actualli i also don't hv much. i spent a lot the past few months for cosmetics and books.
the books are really expensive and "clone" them to cut down cost.
i promise i won't waste any money anymore starting from this month til the end of the year. i plan to go working after STPM. i need my dad's greenlight. i hope that my plan will be put into action without any friction.
let's pray that i cn do well in STPM in the first place.
i didn't buy one coz i thought he will be happy if i save some money for him. actualli i also don't hv much. i spent a lot the past few months for cosmetics and books.
the books are really expensive and "clone" them to cut down cost.
i promise i won't waste any money anymore starting from this month til the end of the year. i plan to go working after STPM. i need my dad's greenlight. i hope that my plan will be put into action without any friction.
let's pray that i cn do well in STPM in the first place.
i got 216 marks for my muet test which is a band 4. my target is band 5.
4 marks make a big difference. 220 marks are the minimum marks for band 5. i have decided to retake. wish me good luck coz the test will be held 2 days before STPM if i'm nt mistaken.
it's time to brush up my english AGAIN!
it's ok.spending RM60 one more time is ok for me coz i'm nt the one who earn them. feel sorry for my dad (2mr is father's day!) but i hv done my best...really!
i m struggling to improve my chemistry and maths currently. these 2 subjects make me dizzy. what to do? i do feel pressured when i think about what should i do if i mess up STPM. so to avoid this tragedy from happening, i keep reminding myself to work harder.
i remember what puan tan said we need 3D in order to get good result. determination! discipline! diligence! let's work out! i don't have ample time. v r having a marathon competition with the time. beat it! (MJ's music is playing in my brain...)
my bro n sis keep asking me why i don't hv a bf? what should i reply them? i gt no market...kaka. perhaps i don't need one.
my mum was sick the last few days. she went to c a dc and found out that she gt hypertension which is most probably a genetic disease. coz my grandma n her sis(or my aunt) also hv hypertension.
4 marks make a big difference. 220 marks are the minimum marks for band 5. i have decided to retake. wish me good luck coz the test will be held 2 days before STPM if i'm nt mistaken.
it's time to brush up my english AGAIN!
it's ok.spending RM60 one more time is ok for me coz i'm nt the one who earn them. feel sorry for my dad (2mr is father's day!) but i hv done my best...really!
i m struggling to improve my chemistry and maths currently. these 2 subjects make me dizzy. what to do? i do feel pressured when i think about what should i do if i mess up STPM. so to avoid this tragedy from happening, i keep reminding myself to work harder.
i remember what puan tan said we need 3D in order to get good result. determination! discipline! diligence! let's work out! i don't have ample time. v r having a marathon competition with the time. beat it! (MJ's music is playing in my brain...)
my bro n sis keep asking me why i don't hv a bf? what should i reply them? i gt no market...kaka. perhaps i don't need one.
my mum was sick the last few days. she went to c a dc and found out that she gt hypertension which is most probably a genetic disease. coz my grandma n her sis(or my aunt) also hv hypertension.
我自己唱的西风的话 送给我的朋友 尤其是即将生日的洧姗
最近蛮喜欢听这首歌 如果觉得我唱得很烂 请搜索 super junior m -西风的话
我自己唱的西风的话 送给我的朋友 尤其是即将生日的洧姗
最近蛮喜欢听这首歌 如果觉得我唱得很烂 请搜索 super junior m -西风的话
什么时候 我才可以守信用 什么事守信用? 就是说到做到
我很善忘 所以难免不守信用
做个结论 就是我不负责任
以前是这样 现在也还是有这个老毛病
有时候 觉得自己很衰 很幼稚 好像一直长不大 一直学不会负责任
天气炎热 更让我心烦意乱
还不念书 是要靠放屁拿4flat吗?
我很善忘 所以难免不守信用
做个结论 就是我不负责任
以前是这样 现在也还是有这个老毛病
有时候 觉得自己很衰 很幼稚 好像一直长不大 一直学不会负责任
天气炎热 更让我心烦意乱
还不念书 是要靠放屁拿4flat吗?
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